Tuesday 15 April 2008

After months of discussion the Executive has given us a green light to move forward with a pilot of Microsoft’s Softgrid product.

Microsoft scored the very cool Softgrid package (now rebranded as MS App-V) when they acquired Boston based company Softricity back in 2006. In a nutshell Softgrid will enable us to stream virtualized applications in real-time from an application server to any computer with the Softgrid client installed. No more need to have IT Support staff sitting in front of computers installing apps locally. The applications are isolated in a virtual ‘bubble’ which is cached to the client machine and doesn’t leave any local registry residue.

We’re not going to use it for everything mind you. Being a Design firm most of the line of business applications we use are resource hungry monsters which will remain locally installed. But Softgrid presents the opportunity for us to be more agile in reallocating applications which are only used intermittently by users based on their current project requirements.

Tinkering around setting up a Softgrid server and sequencing a few flyweight apps isn’t going to cut the mustard. The project brief calls for us to successfully sequence the Adobe CS3 Design Standard package.

Oh, and we’re going to run the pilot on VMServer. Virtualized virtualization. Nice.

If you’re keen to get more information about Softgrid you can check out the MS website here:

And the official TechNet blog here:

Stay tuned.